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Metabolism is the sum of all that occur in living to support life processes. There are two types of reactions: anabolic and catabolic. In the anabolic reactions of small molecules combine together to form large molecules, such as
and. In catabolic reactions break down large molecules into smaller molecules for
or building blocks. Exchange processes are the means by which the body derives energy and synthesizes the other molecules it needs,
, and we eat in food. Substances produced or used in metabolic processes are called metabolites. Exchange processes related to a complex network of enzyme-catalyzed reactions, and that helped. Metabolism is essential for digestion, elimination of wastes, breathing, circulation, proper functioning of the brain and nerves, and control body temperature. Anabolism is also referred to as constructive metabolism. During this process, small molecules join together to form large molecules to be used. Anabolic process helps to grow new cells and tissue, and it also stores energy for later use. When small molecules form larger molecules, they formed complex molecules known as,, and. Anabolic reactions that occur in our body, to create many different types of molecules. In anabolism, muscle mass increases, and
grown. The process of using
. Polymers of large molecules consisting of small molecules (monomers). For example, >> << are monomers while polymers considered. Anabolic hormones include,, and. Growth hormone, which is created, helping to stimulate growth through out somatomedyn. Somatomedyn formed in the liver and causes a person to grow. IGF1 hormones help stimulate the creation of sulfate and protein. Some of these hormones specifically body to help it grow faster. Insulin is a hormone that is necessary to adjust the sugar glucose in the blood. This hormone is produced in
beta-cells. The body can not use glucose properly without the use of insulin. Catabolism also referred to as destructive metabolism. During catabolism, large molecules
break up into smaller causing emissions. The energy that is produced by catabolism needed to in order to function properly. The more molecules that break down typically and
. The energy created by the breakdown of these molecules provides the fuel needed to heat the body anabolism and movement >> << throughout the body. Since the molecule is being destroyed, the waste produced ejected from the body through,,, and. Some of the catabolic hormones cortisol, glucagon and cytokines. Sometimes they are called stress hormone cortisol in response to the stress of the body. Cortisol has been adopted, which is part of. Cortisol increases
rights and pressure and reduces the reaction. Glucagon is a hormone that helps break glycogen, which causes blood sugar rises. He performed in
past. Glycogen stored in liver and >> << is used to give a person power over time. Another hormone adrenaline, also known as adrenaline. Adrenaline increases the heart rate of man, opens the lungs to more air and allows the heart strongly reduced. Cytokines are small proteins that effects how cells react to each other. Because catabolism of energy that is accumulated is used for the synthesis of enzymes, hormones and sugar. They also provide energy cells that are associated with cell growth, tissue repair and reproduction. Excess energy is stored as fat throughout the body. Compared with other, more active cells or fat cells to energy, unlike other cells in the human body that are more active. , And
made of three different types of molecules: carbohydrates, fats (or
), and amino acids. These three molecules are necessary to sustain life. These molecules are the main focus in metabolic reactions when the body builds new cells and tissues, as well as a source of energy. The combination of these biochemical create polymers, such as
and proteins composed of amino acids bonded together with a peptide bond. They are located in a linear chain.
Most of the proteins produced by catalysts used in various chemical reactions. Some other proteins are used to help build. Lipids are part of cell membranes, as well as an energy source. Fats include many compounds with different fatty acids and glycerol. Steroids also considered lasix 50 mg iv one of the major groups of lipids, cholesterol is one of them. Carbohydrate storage and transportation of energy. They consist of straight chain aldehydes with many hydroxyl groups that form a ring or straight chain. Nucleotides are long chained polymers such as DNA and RNA. These special molecules play an important role in the use of genetic information. Nucleotides are created by nucleobase allows sugar ribose. Coenzymes to perform various chemical reactions. The most famous is the coenzyme. There is not much of ATP in the cells, and that always creates more than he ever runs out. Molecules involved in metabolism, and
called. Proteins also help control the rate at which metabolic reactions. Enzymes in
break on other proteins, carbohydrates are split into simple and fats are broken down. After digestion of these molecules are absorbed into the blood that carry them in
in the body. The energy obtained from food stored in, or. stands help control metabolism of man. One of the main hormones that regulate metabolism, which helps determine how fast or slow chemical reactions must take place in cells. >> << Produces a hormone that can tell whether a person should begin to anabolic or catabolic reactions. This usuallly happens after meals, when glucose increased body says that it needs insulin. usually characterized by irregular chemical reactions in cells of the body. These disorders are usually caused by abnormal >> << or. If the exchange is not functioning properly, the toxic
begin to accumulate in the body and can lead to serious complications. Although not all genetic, some of them were found in the inheritance from their parents or grandparents. One of the enzymes necessary for metabolism to function correctly in G6PD (glucose or-6-phosphate dehydrogenase). G6PD is one of the key enzymes used in the structure, and it carried. If you do not have enough G6PD to, the specific substances that are harmful for the body to destroy red blood cells. This disease is known as. When red blood cells are destroyed at an early age,
person is unable to keep pace with the growth of man and therefore exposes them to risk of injury. This condition is called. People who have a deficiency H6FD have the following symptoms:
Other disorder of metabolism that occurs in infants. Children born with halaktozemyya not have the enzymes needed to break in.
sugar molecules called. This enzyme is produced in, and if there is not enough production capacity start galactose in the blood of babies. This increase can lead to serious health problems such as,, and
damage. It can be diagnosed within the first few days after birth. Symptoms include vomiting, swelling of the liver and jaundice. Another serious disease of metabolism. Hyperthyroidiam resulting overative. If the thyroid gland produces too much thyroxine, the BMR, that person (or main exchange), will increase. The main symptoms of hyperthyroidism are:
Hyperthroidism can be controlled as easily as using drugs or surgery. It can also be treated through radiation therapy. Medical Encyclopedia. According to Medline Plus
In Alsace LJ. Approach, Goldman L, Ausiello D, yet. Cecil Medicine. Twenty-third ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier, 2007: Chapter 216
John W. Kimball, Kimball Biology Pages
Steven Dowshen, MD. KidsHealth, Nemours Foundation
By Nurdkvista Christian. Endocrinology, August 10, 2009
By Colette Bouchez, WebMD Weight Loss Clinic functions.