Your bones give your body its shape, will help you move, and supports your body. Your bones and helps protect the heart, lungs and brain. Even if your bones feel lasix drug reactions solid and hard, the bones of living tissues that constantly upgrade yourself in your life. In childhood and adolescence, your body adds new bone faster than it gets rid of old bones. After 30 years, you can start to lose bone faster than your body makes bone, which makes your bones weaker and more broken. Some bone loss, of course, as men and women in age. However, it is important to take steps to make sure that you do not lose too much bone and expose themselves easily fracture risk of falling or off. You may hear your doctor talk about the "bone density" or "bone mineral density." Both terms describe the measurement of how strong your bones. The higher the density, the stronger and healthier your bones. Women have a higher risk of bone loss than men. When a woman goes through menopause, whether as a natural part of aging or through breast cancer treatment, the level of estrogen and other hormones falls sharply. Estrogen helps to maintain bone density and decrease estrogen levels can lead to significant bone loss. Osteopenia means that you are lower than normal bone density. Osteopenia is not a disease but it may mean that you are at increased risk of fracture. Osteoporosis is a disease means that the bone density is so low that your bones are brittle and can break easily. White and Asian women are most at risk of osteoporosis, but all women and men over age 50 are at risk of disease. Women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer face a higher risk of osteoporosis, because some types of breast cancer treatment can lead to bone loss. There are a number of tools that your doctor can use to check bone health, including medical examination and blood tests and urine tests to measure levels of calcium. Bone density tests use X-rays or sound waves to determine how strong your bones. Bone density testing is used to definitively diagnose bone loss and osteoporosis. The most widely recognized bone mineral density test dvuhenerheticheskoy ray absorbtsiometrii, commonly known as a DEXA scan. DEXA scan uses low radiation X-ray quickly and painlessly. The scanner passes over your whole body when you lie on a soft table. DEXA scans can measure bone mineral density throughout your skeleton, as well as specific issues that often break down, such as the hip, spine and wrist. Using DEXA scan to measure bone density in the hip and spine is considered the most reliable way to diagnose osteoporosis and predict fracture risk. For more information about bone loss, osteoporosis, and ways to keep your bones strong, visit the
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